Super Torah4U2 Software

Bible Code Software from Israel See the Future & Past!

THE BIBLE CODE presents the results of a highly controversial experiment. In August 1989, an Israeli mathematician named Dr. Eliyahu Rips revealed that there was encoded information within the ancient Hebrew script of the Torah. This program shows examples of this strange code, which has supposedly described major world events such as the moon landing, the Gulf War, and Princess Diana's fatal accident.

On 1st September 1994 Michael Drosnin passed a letter to a close friend of the then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. It stated that the name Yitzhak Rabin was crossed by the term "assassin that will assassinate" in the Hebrew Torah. On the 4th November 1995 Yitzhak Rabin was indeed assassinated and the phenomenon of the "The Bible Code" came to light in a tragic, but incontrovertible, manner.

The Torah4u Edition Bible Code Software now has far more features than that used by Drosnin, along with speed and power unlikely to ever be matched by any other product. With Torah4u Edition you can take over from where Drosnin left off, discovering new hidden codes, in a variety of Hebrew, Russian or English Scriptures, faster and easier than ever before.

With results shown many times on TV, Torah4u leads the field in Bible Code research. Independently rated as the World's #1 Bible Code Software, Torah4u combines ease of use for beginners with sufficient features to satisfy even the most advanced researcher.

Finally answer the question: "Is my name in the Bible Codes?"

Bible Codes discovered with Torah4u

See the remarkable detail regarding the World Trade Center disaster.
The JFK Assassination, Assassination or Execution?
Roswell and Aliens in the Bible Codes.
The Titanic, destined to sink?
The truth of the Anthrax Outbreak being caused by a USA Biological Weapon?
War in Heaven and the Precise Orbital Details in the Book of Revelation!
Popes Past, Present and Future. Who killed Pope John Paul I? Will Lustiger be the next Pope?

Torah4u Edition Key Features

Generates Detailed Reports of your findings. Automatic determination of the best matrix, saving many hours over manual searching.
Dual Language Operation. Never again need Hebrew or Russian be a problem Built in
Hebrew Date and Number Conversion Utilities.
High Speed, 'Optimal Search Sequence' Algorithm, with full result caching. Search in Hebrew, Russian and English Scriptures.
Scripture display with English Translation. Look for up to 500 terms per search.
On Screen Virtual Keyboard for ease of Russian and Hebrew character input.
User Maintainable Dictionaries for Russian and Hebrew.
Export and Import of Search Results. Carry on where you left off on the last search.
Multiple Matrix Determination Methods. Matrix Printout and Save to File capabilities.

Torah4u Edition Incorporates

The Torah4u Bible Code Software program itself.
The Torah4u Dictionary Manager.
The Torah and the Tanach with English translation.
The Russian Textus Receptus with English translation.
Both English and Hebrew Control Texts. 



  • Version 2.11 - with English-Hebrew dictionary!  

Explore whole Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament) with English or Russian translation.

Program requirements:

13.3 megabytes free disk space for full Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament)


Designed to work under Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows XP


Minimum 16 Megabytes of RAM.

Minimum Screen Resolution of 800*600


The download will be done from our download center in our web site:

You will get all the detail by e-mail.

E - Mail requirements:

We can send you a zip file by e – mail and will need 5.6 megabytes in your e – mail box. (We can also send by regular mail)

Torah4u on CD - will be cost 9.90$ more. (To the CD, packaging, sipping, insurance.)   


  • Download - be sure that you downloaded the whole file, which is ZIP archive.
  • Extract all files from downloaded ZIP file to temporary directory (note, that you need any ZIP extractor for this).
  • Run Setup.exe from temporary directory with unzipped files.
  • Press Help button for more details.
  • For troubleshooting see corresponding section at Torah4u.hlp.
  • Don't worry about DLL versions WARNINGS - in most cases it's OK.


  • Just install new version of Torah4U into folder with previous version.  All your data in the database will be preserved.   


  • Reference to this program at any discussion concerning results achieved by it, would be highly appreciated.
  • For troubleshooting see corresponding section at Torah4u.hlp
  • Please send your notes, comments and interesting results (using this program export format)  to: 


Super Torah4U2

Program features:

  • super fast multiple word/expression equidistant search in Hebrew Bible text
  • English-Hebrew dictionary
  • synchronized parallel full Hebrew Bible text with English / Russian translation display (see sample)
  • see, type and print Hebrew on any non Hebrew Windows - from 3.11 up to XP
  • great colored graphics presentation/print
  • organizing of search results to groups (slides), data storage in universal Access 2 MDB format (using simple ODBC)
  • free results exchange by export/import
  • English interface on non Hebrew Windows, Hebrew interface on Hebrew Windows

Sample: Rabin assassination, see in the associate picture. (Mentioned at Drosnin's Bible Codes)



  • To add a word from the Hebrew text to search field just right-click it and select 'Add word to search' item in popup menu that should be open. So you don't need to type in Hebrew anymore!
  • To change a font properties (size, weight etc.) you can edit corresponding group in TORAH4U.INI file in the program directory. For example, to change a  font size just increase the value in 'Size=' field. The groups:
    • [English Translation Font] for English translation
    • [Russian Translation Font] for Russian translation
    • [Bidi Text Font] for Hebrew in the Hebrew text and text matrix
  • To define search block boundaries use right mouse click above the text matrix, Hebrew text or translation windows
  • To save search results to database in 'Search' dialog first SELECT them and press 'To DB' button. To see them again in the listbox, type in the word in the 'Word' field and press 'From DB'
  • Use double-click in text matrix, Hebrew text and translation windows to synchronize them
  • Double-click words in search results/slide lists to see them immediately highlighted in the text matrix
  • To type in Hebrew  in 'Search' dialog press 'Keyboard' button and use a mouse for typing
  • If you don't use Russian translation delete files RTEXT.DAT and RINDEX.DAT to save space
  • If you don't use English translation delete files ETEXT.DAT and EINDEX.DAT to save space
  • The current version can use a default printer only. If you want to use another one - just set it as a default! (In Win95: Start - Settings - Printers - (select needed printer) - File - Set As Default)

Example List:




  • Download file from the list to your computer (right click list item and select "Save Target as...")
  • In program open 'Search' dialog, go to 'Slide' tab, save current slide if you need it, press 'Import...' button and select downloaded text file

Add to list:

  • Send your interesting results (using this program export format)

This guide was not written by a staff member of Torah4u,
but we provide it as a free resource to Torah4U users.

Guide to Using Torah4u Version 2.11 for Bible Codes Research
written by: Pak, a Torah4U user


This guide is here to teach Bible Codes researchers how to search for codes in the bible, using the fastest Bible Codes, Torah4U. This guide will teach you how to search for codes faster and more efficiently, which will cut hours of research time to a fraction of an hour. The guide itself is only intended for those who are already experienced with Torah4u and the Hebrew Letters Guide (you'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view that). If you are a beginner with Torah4U, first learn how to use the program and then start using this guide.

How to Search

Step 1: Before you start to conduct a search, start by translating and transliterating all search terms from English to Hebrew. To translate your search terms, use the 55,000 word dictionary in the program to translate one term at a time and then sending the already translated word to the search list. Keep doing this translation process until all your search terms are translated. If some words are not in the dictionary, you then have to transliterate your search terms. To transliterate your search terms, use the Hebrew Letters Guide as a reference on how to transliterate words, years, etc. The guide will show you how to use the Hebrew keyboard in the program, and which Hebrew letter/number corresponds to English sounds and numbers.

Step 2: After you have finished doing the translating/transliterating process, you can then start to conduct the search. Make sure all the terms you want to use are in the search list, because you don't want to stop the search and add another term and then search again. That's going to make search longer. To start searching, start off by filling the 'skip' boxes with 1 as a min and 1000 as a max. Now click on the search button under the "list" box. If the search is taking a long time to go up to at least 50% (anywhere after 5 minutes), stop the search and change the settings of the max skips to a lower number. Keep doing this until the search 'flies' through quickly (under 5 minutes). The lowest number to put in the max box should be 100. Now, let's call the number of max skips "D" as a variable. From 1 to D, there's D skips altogether. When starting the next search, you much use D as a pattern to search for codes, meaning: you will next put D in the min box, and the number for the max box will be D+D. For the third search, you will add another D to the min number and another D to the max number.

For example:

First Search

Second Search

Third Search

Min: 1

Min: 100 (D)

Min: 200 (D+D)

Max: 100 (D-Variable)

Max: 200 (D+D)

Max: 300 (D+D+D)

As you can see, there is a certain pattern. The pattern is to keep adding D. Keep doing this process until you get up to 65,000 skips, which is the highest number of skips you can use in the program. After you are done searching you want to know what your findings are about right? So go to the next section below:

How to determine if codes are linked

Step 1: After you finish searching, you will need to know what you have found and if they are "linked" or connected to each other in some way. In order to do that, choose a list of matrixes that contain the same search term and another list with another search term. The list should contain 5-10 matrixes, not all of them.

Step 2: Look through each list and note the number of skips, name of the book where the code is found in, and the chapters of a book. You will have to look through the list of matrixes and determine if any have the following things in common that you have noted (number of skips, name of book, chapters of a book). Usually, all codes are linked together in one or two or even three of these ways. The codes might have the entire message in chapters of a book, name of a book, or the entire Bible using large numbers of skips.

Step 3: Repeat the process using different terms you have used in your search and determine if they match up with the other terms, through number of skips, name of book, and/or chapters of a book. The encoded messages could be in a variety of chapters in one book or a variety of chapters in a range of more than one book. Some codes might be from Genesis to Exodus, or Exodus to Numbers. If all your search terms match up, you got something to research about, or if your terms don't match, keep trying.

How to save your research

After finding matching terms, click on one term at a time and click "To Slide". This will send your matrix findings to a slide folder for reference. Keep repeating the process until you have all matching terms in the slide folder.


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